The demo-day started with a welcome speech by Ram Shoham, the founder of Accelerator Frankfurt who said “Banks, VCs and business angels are the oxygen to the startups”. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of sponsors and support to a private initiative like Accelerator Frankfurt. Beiten Burkhardt, D-fine, die Firma and AtoBe are the strategic partners for the Accelerator Frankfurt’s first program. The demo day was sponsored by Deutsche Bank, VABN, Main Incubator, PWC, Taylor Wessing and Accelerator Frankfurt. Many thanks to all sponsors and collaboration partners.
During the inspiring keynote Menny Barzilay, Innovation & Cyber Security Strategist emphasized the importance of failing in the path to new innovation. “If you have not failed you did not try.” Innovation seldom comes from big corporates with rigid structures but from agile startups that are ready to change and pivot and reinvent themselves after a failure. He left us a message not to forget “Dream big, start small and move fast.”
“Frankfurt has what it takes to become an international startups hub in B2B especially in FinTech. Frankfurt is a key central location in Germany. Our mentor network and hands-on program significantly accelerates the development of the startups coming into the program.” says Maria Pennanen co-founder Accelerator Frankfurt.
The next program starts on 13th of March 2017 and is open for applications online at website Accelerator Frankfurt is an international program focused on getting startups investment ready and business development. The program runs for four months and offers startups mentoring by successful serial entrepreneurs, coaching, office space and professional services. We accept web entrepreneurs past the idea stage and the potential to scale internationally. The program focuses on startups from FinTech, RegTech, InsureTech, Cybersecurity & any WebTech.
Spread the word and encourage entrepreneurs to apply for the program, details on our website You can follow us on twitter @accelerator_ffm, like on Facebook or contact per email