Our key note speaker:
Björn Weigel, Business strategist, investor, entrepreneur, the author of “The Innovation Illusion – How So Little is Created by So Many Working So Hard”
13th of July 2017 demo day
16:15-17:00 Registration
17:00-17:10 Welcome and Intro Ram Shoham
17:10-17:15 Intro VABN Elmar Schütz
17:15-17:50 Key note: The innovation Illusion, Björn Weigel
17:50-18:50 DEMO DAY Pitches Accelerator Frankfurt
18:50-19:20 Pause
19:20-20:00 Pitches VABN
20:00-22:00 After work networking, with wine, food and live music.
We thank our strategic partners d-fine, die firma, AtoBe, Beiten Burkhardt and Ciklum for support during the program. Nothing happens without sponsors. This event is sponsored by Taylor Wessing and VABN. Join us in building the Frankfurt startup ecosystem.
Let’s start the summer with some ACTION!
Accelerator Frankfurt
Maria & Ram
ps. The event is by invitation only and to ensure the right audience for the startups we reserve the right to check each registrant and decline participation for not relevant registrants. If you are interested to participate contact ram@acceleratorfrankfurt.com